Privacy Policy


Effective date: June 1, 2020


Please read this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) carefully to understand how Entuitive Workforce Inc., its subsidiary and affiliate corporations, successors and assigns (collectively, “Entuitive Workforce”, “our”, “us” or “we”) uses and protects the information that we collect from visitors to, all other websites owned and operated by Entuitive Workforce (including those that redirect to and all subdomains of, (collectively, the “Entuitive Workforce Site”), our authorized users (“Authorized Users”), contractors and suppliers (“Contractors”) and other users (“Users”) of the Entuitive Workforce Properties (as defined below).


This Privacy Policy applies to information collected by Entuitive Workforce through the Entuitive Workforce Site, any Entuitive Workforce computer software downloadable or otherwise available from the Entuitive Workforce Site or third party websites (“Entuitive Workforce Software”) and any Entuitive Workforce services purchased or otherwise made available from the Entuitive Workforce Site (“Entuitive Workforce Services”) (collectively, the “Entuitive Workforce Properties”).


This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of any third party websites, applications or services that Entuitive Workforce does not own or maintain (collectively, “Third Party Services”) or to any third parties who use the Entuitive Workforce Application Programming Interface (API) to perform any function related to the Entuitive Workforce Properties (“Integrated Platforms”). Specially, this Privacy Policy does not cover any information or other content you can access via the Entuitive Workforce Properties on Integrated Platforms or information you provide to Third Party Services accessed via the Entuitive Workforce Properties. As further detailed below, we cannot take responsibility for the content or privacy policies of any Third Party Services.


This Privacy Policy also does not cover any information, recorded in any form, about more than one individual where the identity of the individuals is not known and cannot be inferred from the information (“Aggregated Information”). Entuitive Workforce retains the right to use Aggregated Information in any way that it reasonably determines is appropriate.


By using any service provided by Entuitive Workforce (“Entuitive Workforce Services”) or otherwise providing us with your Personal Information, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy, as they may be amended by us from time to time, and agreeing to our collection and use of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your information in this way, please do not use any of the Entuitive Workforce Properties or otherwise provide Entuitive Workforce with Personal Information (as defined below).


The terms in this Privacy Policy may be changed so you should review it periodically for changes. We reserve the right, at any time, to modify or replace the Privacy Policy. The most recent version of the Privacy Policy is available at Please check the Privacy Policy periodically for changes, though we may also notify you via email or other direct electronic communication method of any changes that, in our sole discretion, materially impact your use of the Entuitive Workforce Properties or the treatment of your Personal Information. Your use of the Entuitive Workforce Properties following the posting of any changes to the Privacy Policy constitutes acceptance of those changes.



Entuitive Workforce collects only the information required to provide products and services to you. The amount of information provided by you and collected by Entuitive Workforce depends on the circumstances. Entuitive Workforce may collect two types of information about you: Personal and Non-Personal.

  1. “Personal Information”. Personal Information refers to any information about an identifiable individual (e.g. name, mailing address, telephone number or e-mail address), or an individual whose identity may be inferred or determined from the information. Entuitive Workforce may collect Personal Information when you use the Entuitive Workforce Properties including, without limitation, setting up account information, inputting data using the Entuitive Workforce Software, GPS tracking data gathered through the Entuitive Workforce Services and the Entuitive Workforce Software, corresponding with Entuitive Workforce, or otherwise volunteering information about yourself.
  2. “Non-Personal Information”. Non-Personal Information refers to information that, by itself, does not identify you as a specific individual (e.g. demographic information or website visitations). Entuitive Workforce may collect Non-Personal Information through any of the methods discussed above as well as automatically through use of industry standard technologies described further below.
  3. You acknowledge and agree that a fundamental aspect of the Entuitive Workforce’s Services is the gathering and sharing of location and activity data where Users of our Services provide such information so that other authorized Users can monitor such information.



  1. Registration. Prior to using one or more of the Entuitive Workforce Properties, Entuitive Workforce may require you to provide us with certain Personal Information and Non-Personal Information to create an account (“Account”) or to enable features or functionality of the Entuitive Workforce Properties.For Users, Authorized Users and Contractors, Entuitive Workforce may gather Personal Information about organizational representatives via various methods (such as by phone, email, location tracking and other data provided by phones, tablets, laptops and other mobile devices, online forms, in-person meetings) but only if such Personal Information is submitted voluntarily. Use of the Entuitive Workforce Services constitutes authorization of the gathering and sharing of such Personal Information. Entuitive Workforce may use such Personal Information for providing the Entuitive Workforce Services, sales, marketing, and support of the Entuitive Workforce Properties. This Personal Information is never shared with third parties other than (i) providers of Third Party Services utilized by Authorized Users and Contractors in connection with Entuitive Workforce Services and (ii) as authorized by a User, an Authorized User or Contractor pursuant to their use of the Entuitive Workforce Services.
  2. User communications. When you send email or other communications to Us, We may retain those communications in order to process your inquiries, respond to your requests and improve the Entuitive Workforce Properties.
  3. Payment Information. When creating an Account, for certain Entuitive Workforce Properties, or when you make online purchases, you may be asked to provide information, which may include your payment instrument number (e.g., credit card), your name and billing address, and the security code associated with your payment instrument (e.g., the CVV) and other financial data (“Payment Information”). We use Payment Information to complete transactions, as well as for the detection and prevention of fraud. When you provide Payment Information while authenticated, we will store that data to help you complete future transactions without your having to provide the information again. We do not, however, retain the security code associated with your payment instrument (e.g., the CVV) in this manner. We also encrypt your credit card information. To remove or modify Payment Information, please contact us. After you close your account or remove Payment Information, however, we may retain your Payment Information for as long as reasonably necessary to complete your existing transactions and for the detection and prevention.
  4. Information Collected Through Technology. Entuitive Workforce automatically collects and receives certain information from your computer or mobile devices, including the activities you perform on the Entuitive Workforce Site, the Entuitive Workforce Software and the Entuitive Workforce Services, the type of hardware and software you are using (for example, your operating system or browser), geographic location information and information obtained from cookies (see below). As noted above, given the nature of the Entuitive Workforce Services, this information will be shared with Authorized Users in order to provide the tracking services provided by Entuitive Workforce. If you have an Account, we may also link this Non-Personal Information to your Account to better understand your needs and the needs of Users in the aggregate, diagnose problems, analyze trends, provide services, improve the features and usability of the Entuitive Workforce Properties, and better understand and market to our Authorized Users and Contractors and Users.
    We use technology to automatically gather information by the following methods:
    a. Cookies. Entuitive Workforce uses cookies on the Entuitive Workforce Site and other aspects of the Entuitive Workforce Properties. Cookies, including local shared objects, are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive which work by assigning to your computer a unique number that has no meaning outside of the Entuitive Workforce Properties. Cookies do not generally contain any Personal Information. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually configure your browser to prevent this. Not accepting cookies may make certain features of the Entuitive Workforce Properties unavailable to you. For more information about our use of cookies, please review our cookie policy which is available at
    b. IP Address. You may visit many areas of the Entuitive Workforce Site anonymously without the need to become a registered User. Even in such cases, Entuitive Workforce may collect IP addresses automatically. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you begin services with an Internet services provider. Each time you access the Entuitive Workforce Site and each time you request one of the pages of the Entuitive Workforce Site, the server logs your IP address.
    c. Web Beacons. Web beacons are small pieces of data that are embedded in web pages and e-mails. Entuitive Workforce may use these technical methods in HTML e-mails that Entuitive Workforce sends to Users to determine whether they have opened those e-mails and/or clicked on links in those e-mails. The information from use of these technical methods may be collected in a form that is Personal Information.
    d. API Collection. Information collected by the Entuitive Workforce Site through APIs, including location information may be collected and used for other Entuitive Workforce Services including generating emails providing tracking information.
  5. Information You Provide About a Third Party. You may have the opportunity to communicate with others from the Entuitive Workforce Properties. If you choose to take advantage of this functionality, we may ask you to provide us with certain information about the person with whom you wish to communicate (e.g., name, e-mail address, etc.). Entuitive Workforce collects such information for the purposes of facilitating the requested communication, which may contain a specific message from you. Unless we explicitly say otherwise, Entuitive Workforce will not use this information for other marketing purposes without first obtaining consent from the person to whom the relevant information pertains. Please be aware that when you use any invitation functionality on the Entuitive Workforce Properties, your e-mail address, name or username, and message may be included in the communication sent to your addressee(s).
  1. HOW Entuitive Workforce USES YOUR INFORMATION

  1. Personal Information. Entuitive Workforce identifies the purpose for which your Personal Information is collected and will be used or disclosed. If that purpose is not listed below, we will identify any additional purposes for which we will collect your Personal Information, before or at the time of collection, and we will obtain your consent to collect, use or disclose your Personal Information for such additional purpose(s).

By using the Entuitive Workforce Properties, you will be deemed to consent to our use of your Personal Information for the purposes of:

  • location and timing, tracking and dissemination of information to employers and Authorized Users;
  • communicating with you generally;
  • processing your purchases;
  • processing and keeping track of transactions and reporting back to you;
  • protecting against fraud or error;
  • providing information or services requested by you;
  • administering and managing the Entuitive Workforce Properties and our business operations;
  • personalizing your experience with the Entuitive Workforce Site, as well as evaluating statistics on Entuitive Workforce Site activity;
  • performing statistical analyses of your behavior and characteristics, in order to measure interest in and use of the various sections of the Entuitive Workforce Site;
  • communicating with you on other websites;
  • e-mail gating;
  • delivery of content and information to providers of Third Party Services;
  • complying with legal and governmental requirements; and/or
  • fulfilling any other purpose that would be reasonably apparent to the average person at the time that we collect it.

Otherwise, we will obtain your express consent (by verbal, written or electronic agreement) to collect, use or disclose your Personal Information. You can change your consent preferences at any time by contacting us (see the “How to Access and Change Your Personal Information” section below).​


Non-Personal Information. Entuitive Workforce may use Non-Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • System Administration: Entuitive Workforce may use Non-Personal Information for the purposes of system administration, assisting in diagnosing problems with Entuitive Workforce servers, monitoring Entuitive Workforce’s system performance and traffic on the Entuitive Workforce Properties and to gather broad demographic information about Entuitive Workforce customers.
  • Personalization: Entuitive Workforce uses Cookies and IP Addresses to track features such as informing you of new, relevant services or certain third party offerings.


  1. Updating Your Personal Information. Upon request, Entuitive Workforce shall allow Users to update or correct Personal Information previously submitted, but only to the extent such activities will not compromise privacy or security interests. Additionally, upon request, Entuitive Workforce shall delete Personal Information from the database where such information is stored; however, it may be impossible to entirely delete a User’s entry without some residual information being retained due to the manner in which data backups are maintained. Requests to delete Personal Information may be submitted to
  2. E-mail Preferences. Entuitive Workforce may use your Personal Information to send you e-mails periodically listing promotions or events relating to the Entuitive Workforce Properties or from Entuitive Workforce’s marketing partners or sponsors. You have the choice to opt-out of receiving such promotional e-mails by sending an e-mail to and/or following the instructions in such correspondence. Once Entuitive Workforce has processed your opt-out request, Entuitive Workforce will not send you promotional e-mails unless you opt back in to receiving such communications.



Except as described below, we do not sell, transfer or otherwise disclose, sell, trade or otherwise transfer your Personal Information to outside parties. This statement does not include trusted third party service providers who assist us in administering and providing the Entuitive Workforce Properties or provide services to us. Examples include storing and managed data, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, integrations of Third Party Services, processing credit card payments and providing customer service. These third party service providers will have access to Personal Information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes. We may use service providers located outside of Canada, and, if applicable, your Personal Information may be processed and stored in other countries and therefore may be subject to disclosure under the laws of those countries.


We may share Payment Information with third parties for purposes of fraud prevention or to process payment transactions. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our policies, or protect our or others’ rights, property or for safety. We may also provide non-Personal Information to other parties for marketing, advertising or other uses.

Information, including Personal Information, which we collect from Users, is considered to be a business asset. As a result, in the unlikely event that we go out of business, enter bankruptcy or if we are acquired as a result of a transaction such as a merger, acquisition or asset sale, your Personal Information may be disclosed or transferred to the third-party acquirer in connection with the transaction.


Lastly, we may provide Authorized Users with certain identifiable information (including Personal Information) with respect to Contractors and other Users in connection with providing the Entuitive Workforce Services. The use of such information will be subject to the information and privacy practices and policies of such Authorized Users and Entuitive Workforce will not be responsible or liable or the use of any information by such Authorized Users. Entuitive Workforce will not be responsible for their use of your information. Under certain exceptional circumstances, Entuitive Workforce may have a legal duty or right to collect, use or disclose your Personal Information without your knowledge or consent. In accordance with applicable laws, we will not disclose any consumer information (which may include Personal Information) without your written consent, except where consumer information is required to be disclosed: (i) for billing or market operation purposes; (ii) for law enforcement purposes; or (iii) for the purpose of complying with a legal or regulatory requirement.

You are deemed to consent to disclosure of your information for the above purposes. If your Personal Information is shared with third parties other than Authorized Users, those third parties may be, but are not always, subject to appropriate agreements with Entuitive Workforce and/or its Authorized Users to secure and protect the confidentiality of your Personal Information.



Entuitive Workforce takes appropriate security measures, to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of Personal Information. These include, but are not limited to, internal reviews of: (a) data collection; (b) storage and processing practices; (c) electronic security measures; and (d) physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where Entuitive Workforce stores Personal Information.


Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we are committed to protecting your Personal Information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you provide to us.


All Entuitive Workforce employees, contractors and agents who access Personal Information are bound by confidentiality obligations and may be subject to discipline, including termination and criminal prosecution, for unauthorized use or disclosure of Personal Information. Some or all of the Personal Information we collect may be stored or processed on servers located outside your jurisdiction of residence, whose data protection laws may differ from the jurisdiction in which you live. As a result, this information may be subject to access requests from governments, courts or law enforcement agencies in those jurisdictions according to laws in those jurisdictions.



The Entuitive Workforce Properties may contain links to third party websites or services, including Third Party Services (collectively, “Third Party Sources”) who may collect Personal Information and Non-Personal Information directly from you. Links to Third Party Sources are intended for convenience only. Third Party Sources are wholly independent from Entuitive Workforce. Third Party Sources may have separate privacy policies and data collection practices, independent of Entuitive Workforce. Entuitive Workforce: (a) has no responsibility or liability for these independent policies or actions; (b) is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites; and (c) does not make any warranties or representations about the contents, products or services offered on such websites or the security of any information you provide to them.



If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or privacy practices, you may contact us directly as follows:

Email us:

Entuitive Workforce Inc.
120 Mulock Drive – Unit 1&2
Newmarket, Ontario Canada L3Y 7C5